vrijdag 1 november 2013

10 Things Bloggers Should Not Do’: Bloggiesta mini-challenge

Welcome, fellow Bloggiesta-ers! 10 Things Bloggers Should Not Do is a guest post by Onibalusi Bamidele on Daily Blog Tips, and the content is beneficial for newbie bloggers and the more *ahem* experienced among us as well. To entice you, a brief excerpt: 10. You Must Not Throw Mud Around 9. You Must Not Have An Unreadable/Unnavigable Site 8. You Must Not Ignore Networking 7. You Must Not Ignore SEO Now, the challenge. 1.Read the post, 10 Things Bloggers Should Not Do. 2.Rate yourself (on a scale of 1 to 5, 5 being muy excellente) on each point. How are you doing? 3.Brainstorm examples of what you can/will do to improve your ratings in those areas that could use improvement. And/or: 4.If you feel you’re doing particularly great in one area, share examples of how you’ve reached such excellence. Once you’ve done that, post it on your blog and come back here to leave a link, or at least share the highlights in a comment here. On to a better blog! Happy Bloggiesta! http://wordlily.com/2011/01/21/10-things-bloggers-should-not-do-bloggiesta-mini-challenge/

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