dinsdag 26 november 2013

Consider It Sold: Home Staging Strategies for a Quick and Profitable Sale by Shannon Weber and Joanne Sanche (Boek)

Selling your home? Make your property outshine and outsell the competition by staging it yourself. “Consider It Sold” is a complete guide to home staging, with practical and easy-to-follow tips that will help you stage your way to a quick and profitable sale. This book details the entire staging process and includes photos, checklists, shopping tips, and a 4-step staging plan that shows how to highlight your property’s best features while minimizing its imperfections. With the information in this book, and the furniture and accessories you already have, you can transform your home into a must-have property!

Anyone trying to sell their house should read this book first. The best part of all is it saves time and money by giving good advice that doesn't cost a fortune. The ideas are easy to implement and you don't need to go to extremes to make your house ready for someone to fall in love with.

I liked how the authors talked about how emotionally attached we can get to our houses and how to deal with de-personalizing it. They obviously know how hard it can be to let those memories go. From checklists to photos, this book makes a tough job a lot easier.

This book is well written, concise and practical. It offers many tips about de-cluttering that I never would have thought of on my own. The authors seem very knowledgeable about the real estate market and what sells homes, so their ideas come from experience. Real estate agents would be wise to have these on hand for clients.

This book gives guides you to make your home a real estate magnet! With decision trees, check lists and tons of great style advice, this book takes you step-by-step though the process of readying your home for sale including de-cluttering and beginning to say goodbye. Written by a well-regarded home staging professional and a freelance writer, it is also really useful for making your home more attractive and comfortable, even if you are not moving!


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