donderdag 28 november 2013

Kahe gaile bides, why did you go overseas? - Mousumi Majumder

On Bhojpuri migration since the 1870s and contemporary culture in Uttar pradesh and Bihar, Suriname and the Netherlands

Bronnenboek over de cultuur van de migratie van Indiërs die rond 1900 werden geworven om als contractarbeiders in Suriname te gaan werken. Waarom vertrokken zij en hoe behielden zij generaties lang aspecten van hun cultuur zoals nu nog beleefd door de hindostanen in Suriname en Nederland. De taal (Sarnami) was daarbij een belangrijk vehikel.

Co-productie met GB Pant Social Science Institute, Allahabad, India

Resource book on the Bhojpuri migration since the 1870s. Huge populations of Indians, most of whom belonged to the Bhojpuri region, were taken to work as indentured labourers in plantations owned by colonial countries like the Netherlands. This migration on such a large scale has left a lasting impression on world history.

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